lunes, 10 de diciembre de 2012

It´s Semester & Unit Test Time!!! Some Tips for You!

A.        Time Usage
1. After receiving the exam, survey it to get a sense of the whole exam and how much time each section will take to complete. Allow more time for questions that: a) carry a high point value
b) will take more time to complete (e.g., essays)
c) are less familiar in content or format
2          You do not have to take the test in the order in which it is presented.  Take parts, which are easier first. This will save time and give you confidence.
1                    If questions take too much time, skip or mark them (+ or -), and return to them later.
2                    Be aware of how much time remains in the examination period.  Know when half the time is up. Too often a time-consuming, point heavy part of the test is placed at the end, and one may not have enough time to complete it if one does not watch the clock.

B.        Additional tips you can use when taking tests can come from your friends. Ask if they have any additional Tips about test taking.
1                    Multiple Choice: Learn to read ALL the choices. Too often a student will choose the incorrect answer, forgetting that the directions call for the BEST choice. The best choice might be ALL OF THE ABOVE or another answer.
2                    Matching: Read all the choices and match the ones that you are sure of; cross off the choices used, but do not obliterate them in case you make a mistake. Then try to do the remaining ones.
3                    True/False: Learn that a statement is FALSE if any part of the statement is false.
4                    Essay: Learn to outline your ideas before writing. How an answer is organized and presented is part of the grade. You should always rephrase the question in the answer so that you know you are answering the question. It is good to practice underlining all parts of essay questions and not to skip anything.

A.        Final Checks Too often students have time remaining and do not check their work. Go over your answers. Especially read over short written answers and essays. Don’t believe that using the allotted time means you are SLOW! It is being thorough!
B.         Learning from Tests After a test has been handed back, use it as a study tool. Analyze the kinds of mistakes you made and get clues as to where you need to apply yourself more.

The great thing is, once this is over you will be able to enjoy a nice long break! Keep studying!!

lunes, 3 de diciembre de 2012

How do we teach our children to give?

It is important we help our children understand that giving is not a once a year deal. Christmas time brings about many wonderful ideas. One of them is sharing with those less fortunate than ourselves. However, it is important we foster acts of kindness and sharing all year round.
Give year-round
First, we need to bring giving into our lives all year long. During the holiday season, it is easy to share our good fortune. Food drives, bell ringers, charity functions help us remember the needs of others.
People are hungry the other 364 days of the year! Do our children see us model charity and giving from January through November? If not, what message are we sending them: that hunger and pain and misery only exist at Christmas? That we should only respond to this need only at Christmas time?

Make giving real

Second, we need to make giving real to our children. Best strategy: get them involved.
One effective method for school-aged children is something like NPH Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos Organization or similar outreach efforts sponsored by many churches and charitable organizations. A family sponsors a child of designated age and sex, buying gifts and clothing for delivery by the charity.
Children do the shopping with you for the child you sponsor. It makes giving very, very real when a child chooses to buy his friend the radio-controlled car he hopes to find under his own tree! Do take a picture of the wrapped gifts and the young givers. Your children will not forget that shopping trip.
Everybody loves to buy toys for a three-year-old, but needy teens need love, too--and hats and scarves and games. Explain to your children why you have chosen those last few forlorn tags. They will understand the love you express when you make sure that even no-longer-cuddly children have a holiday gift, too.

Give being discreet

Third, make sure your right hand doesn't know what your left hand is doing. Tell your children why: it is no gift when we expect gratitude, appreciation, or attach strings to our offerings. We give, instead, to relieve need; to share the abundance with which we've been blessed; and to reflect to others the good that we find in the world. Giving with grace is reward enough!

Allow your children to sacrifice

Finally, give your children the chance to experience sacrifice in order to give. Even a small sacrifice on their part will reinforce a lesson on giving more than any other factor. Think of ways they can give like, giving a part of their allowance to contribute to the money spent on the gifts. Another example is going to the grocery store and deciding to go without their favorite cereal for a couple of weeks and using that money to buy help purchase a gift for someone else.
